Advised Trader
Strategy Audio Alerts
Nasdaq cyclic event: 40 day cycle bulls enter

Nasdaq cyclic event: 40 day cycle bulls enter

1845 cst

There were two algos today one on each side when they stopped buying and selling to each other the buyers were allowed to have it mid-morning. This happened again in the afternoon where there was a pullback for buyers once more and continued throughout the day.

Nasdaq moved higher: after hours update

8sep22 1950 CST - the market has come to the point of resistance that will define the next few trading days.

IF the premarket seller comes in, wait for him to start selling around 600 AM CST.

The pullback will get bought again at 250 tomorrow morning. Unless it goes directly up out of the gate, allowing a premarket break momentum trade if there is no early AM seller as specificed above. IF there is the seller premarket, then there wil lbe no momentum rally.


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